News and Events
Ramadan 1443 Moon Sighting Update
MOON SIGHTING CONFIRMED On Friday April 1st 2022 (Sha’ban 29th 1443), we received a reliable report from San Diego California, of the moon being sighted. We have verified and accepted this report. Therefore, the Ulama Council of Michigan has declared First of Ramadan on Saturday April 2nd 2022. First Taraweh will be on Friday April …
Sha’ban 1443 Moon Sighting Update
On Thursday March 3rd, 2022 (Rajab 29th,1443), we received reliable reports of the moon being sighted from South Africa, Granada, Barbados, Trinidad and Anguilla British Island. Therefore, the Ulama Council of Michigan has declared the 1st of Sha’ban 1443 to be on Friday March 4th, 2022.
Rabi ul Awwal 1443 Moonsighting Update
Dear Respected Community Members, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, On Wednesday October 06, 2021 (Safar 29th 1443), we did not receive any reliable reports of the moon being sighted. We will complete the month of Safar with 30 days.Therefore, the Ulama Council of Michigan has declared the First of Rabi ul Awwal 1443 to be on Friday …
Hifz Graduation Ceremony
Assalam o Alaikum Warahmatullah Dear Community Members. Alhamdulillah a total of 15 students have finished the memorization of The Holy Quran.11 Boys and 4 Girls are graduating from Masjid Madinatul Ilm, and a Hifz Graduation Ceremony is being conducted to celebrate all their hard work and efforts. All teachers, students, and parents deserve to be …